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Saturday, March 30, 2024

Video: Remy Metailler Hits Mount Prevost's Steep & Fast Tracks -

If you follow downhill racing or just mountain biking in general you will be familiar with the names Finn Iles, Mark Wallace, Jackson Goldstone, Kirk McDowall, Gracey Hermstreet, Magnus Manson etc, and you would have heard about a place called Prevost.

That's because Prevost is the training ground of many of these Canadian racers, and was where Stevie Smith trained for years. Located on Vancouver Island just south of Nanaimo, Mt Prevost has become a hub for downhill mountain biking. Easy to shuttle with fast, steep and gnarly tracks, it's got everything to produce some fun, but also get riders to become faster and faster and ready to go racing World Cups.

Jump on board on a day of riding with local legend Dean Tennant as I try to learn the trails.

Big shout out to for the maintenance and work on this mountain.

Follow @remymetailler and @deantennantmtb for more.

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Video: Remy Metailler Hits Mount Prevost's Steep & Fast Tracks -
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