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Thursday, May 20, 2021

Has Quebec reached Freedom 75 per cent? Not so fast - Montreal Gazette

With millions of Quebecers still unprotected, weak single-dose protection against variants and a fragile health care system, now is not the time for unfettered partying, experts say

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With Quebec fast approaching first-dose vaccinations for 75 per cent of the adult population, many are feeling the time for freedom is now. If a single shot gives protection against the risk of severe illness or death, some argue, why not open the doors to socialization and risk a mild infection?

Health experts warn there are several reasons this could be a disastrous idea. With more than a third of Quebec’s total population still unprotected, a health care system on the brink of burnout and serious reservations about the level of protection a single dose provides, flying too high on the wings of one shot risks jeopardizing the hard-won freedoms announced by the Quebec government on Tuesday.

“To say we are ‘fairly well protected’ with one dose — it’s not like we’re looking for a discount special here,” said Dr. Donald Vinh, an infectious diseases expert with the McGill University Health Centre. “When we’re talking about being ‘fairly well protected,’ the caveat to this is the ones that will risk being in danger if we don’t get things under control.”


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Inoculating 75 per cent of the adult population of Quebec means there will still be more than 3 million people who will not have received a single dose, when the under-18 age group is added to the 25 per cent of adults not yet vaccinated.

Studies have shown getting two doses can cut the risk of transmitting to others by 50 to 70 per cent, Vinh noted. But the effectiveness of one dose in limiting transmissibility is not yet known.

“So if you have large numbers of people who are only partially vaccinated, and some are not vaccinated, you can have transmission of the virus and variants among those groups, and then those people will disperse and bring it back to their own bubbles,” he said.

Also in the at-risk group is the segment of the population who will not be protected even if they’re vaccinated. Studies from Israel, where 56 per cent of the population have received two doses, have shown that some cancer patients, those receiving chemotherapy and organ transplant patients respond very poorly to first and even second doses, their bodies unable to produce the antibodies necessary.


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At the same time, a study published in late April in the United Kingdom, where 55 per cent have received one dose and 30 per cent two, showed that research participants who had received just a single dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, and who had not been infected with the disease before, had a far weaker immune response to the B.1.1.7 variant of the disease first detected in the U.K. than those with two doses. Tests showed test subjects with one shot had 11 to 25 fewer times the levels of neutralizing antibodies against B.1.1.7 than those who had two vaccinations. “Our data suggest (receiving just one dose) leaves people susceptible to variants of concern,” co-author Danny Altman wrote.

“The emergence of the variants has been a stark awakening that we are not out of the woods yet,” Vinh said. “I think the public has to be ready. This is not going to be ‘Okay, release the hounds’ and that’s it. It’s going to be ‘release the hounds and let’s see.’ ”


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The outbreak at the Mega Fitness Gym that led to the infection of more than 600 people with the B.1.1.7 variant in Quebec City and became one of the largest superspreader events in Canada is an example of what can happen if guards are let down too quickly, said Dr. François Marquis, chief of critical care medicine at Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital.

“With the variant we know that a single outbreak can spread rapidly to overwhelm a small hospital or even a major hospital in Montreal,” Marquis said. “By the time we figure out what’s going on, the variant can spread to other regions and you can lose control.”

The goal now is to reopen gradually and monitor for and control outbreaks, which are to be expected as restrictions ease. Marquis likened the system to reopening the water main after extensive plumbing work has been done on your house: “You don’t just open to full pressure because that could be a nightmare, with leaks everywhere.


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“That’s the idea of a gradual reopening: if any region is struggling with something, you don’t have to shut the whole province down, just the problematic areas.

“If everyone is rebooting social life on the same day, that’s going to be a nightmare.”

While few COVID-19 patients remain at Maisonneuve-Rosemont, the effects of the disease have decimated the hospital, Marquis said, reducing the numbers of nurses and respiratory therapists and cutting the availability of beds and operating room spaces by 50 per cent.

“The health system is fragile right now. If we have to deal with an outbreak in the middle of the summer, and tell our staff that they aren’t getting vacation again…”

Marquis said he thought the Quebec government’s plan for a gradual reopening was sound, but warned flexibility is essential.

“There is no perfect plan. You just have to make a plan, and then you deal with the consequences.”

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Has Quebec reached Freedom 75 per cent? Not so fast - Montreal Gazette
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