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Monday, February 28, 2022

Fast food owner in St. Thomas, Ont. ups the ante on benefits to keep staff happy -

At a time when many Canadians are being outpaced by the rising cost of living, a fast-food restaurateur in St. Thomas, Ont., is offering an out-of-the-ordinary incentive program to keep employees working and happy. 

The Wendy's franchise on Talbot Street in the southwestern Ontario city offers full-time staff a starting wage of $16 per hour, one dollar more than the newly introduced minimum wage. There is also a retirement savings plan matched by the employer, and even paid birthdays off. 

Joe Preston, owner and mayor of St. Thomas, said he always tried to offer a competitive wage but when the pandemic took hold, he wanted to do more to help his employees. That's when he gave everyone a one dollar raise.

"We said, 'If our employees are essential service [workers], let's give them a bonus that matches that."

"We're proud that we have a number of people working for us that have been there years, and we think that makes the difference. Working hard is something everybody has to do at work, so let's reward people for doing that," he said, noting that a couple of employees has been with the restaurant for almost 20 years.  

Other perks of working at this Wendy's include paid 15 minute breaks, employment anniversary gifts, and not having to pay for the uniform. Employees also eat for free when on the job. 

Preston says about 75 per cent of employees at the Talbot Street restaurant are full-time and eligible to take advantage of the incentives program. 

With inflation on the rise and margins of profits already razor-thin, Preston said the franchise is able to afford this program because they hustle. 

"We find we can because we do. We're quite a busy restaurant and we're proud of that. Our founder, Dave Thomas, always said profit is not a dirty word. That's okay, but treat your people right and they will help this happen."

Preston said the restaurant is looking to hire more staff after adding a breakfast menu to their daily offerings. 

London Morning6:14St. Thomas fast-food franchise willing to pay more than minimum wage

St. Thomas Wendy's franchisee Joe Preston tells London Morning why his location pays full-time staff $16 per hour plus benefits. 6:14

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Fast food owner in St. Thomas, Ont. ups the ante on benefits to keep staff happy -
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Slow-twitch vs. fast-twitch muscle fibres: how your muscle type affects running performance - Canadian Running Magazine

Each one of us has both slow-twitch and fast-twitch muscle fibres, but the ratio between them is different for every individual. While you can’t do much to change the distribution of your own muscle fibre types, new research shows you can adapt your training to your specific muscle make-up to prevent injuries and maximize your performance.

Slow-twitch vs. fast-twitch

Study author Eline Lievens explains that both fast-twitch and slow-twitch fibres are present in all of your muscles, but the proportions of each differ from person to person. This distribution determines your myotype. Slow-twitch fibres are meant for slow, long-lasting exercise, while fast-twitch are for fast and powerful actions.

Lievens says that although humans evolved to have a slower myotype, there is a large spread in muscle fibre type between humans, from 20 per cent to 90 per cent slow-twitch fibres. This distribution has led researchers to classify humans into three myotype categories: slow, intermediate or fast (or, as she describes them, albatross, ape or cheetah).

Slow-twitch fibres, as their name suggests, are meant for slow, long-lasting exercise, while fast-twitch are for fast and powerful actions. Slow-twitch fibres are also much more energy-efficient and require three times less energy than fast-twitch fibres to produce the same contraction. They are also much more resistant to fatigue and injuries, which is why they are so important for endurance athletes.

Every muscle in your body will have a mixture of slow and fast-twitch fibres, but the distribution won’t be the same everywhere. For example, your soleus (one of the muscles that make up your calves) is predominantly slow-twitch, while your triceps are predominantly fast-twitch. If you have a slow (albatross) myotype, however, you will have more slow-twitch fibres in all of your muscles than the average population.

How does your myotype affect your training?

For endurance runners (which Lievens defines as anyone running longer than 1,500m), having more slow-twitch fibres will improve your running economy, which will allow you to run longer without fatiguing. Athletes with the slow myotype also recover faster, which means they can take less rest between intervals during a workout and can train with more frequency day-to-day and week-to-week.

Due to the lower energy efficiency of fast-twitch muscle fibres, athletes with a fast myotype are at a greater risk for over-training or over-reaching because they are more likely to accumulate fatigue over time without adequate rest between sessions. These athletes also require a longer taper period ahead of their goal race than slow-myotype athletes.

Photo: Eline Lievens, Flore Stassen, Wim Derave

All of this suggests that you can adjust your training based on your myotype to maximize performance while reducing your risk for overtraining and injuries.

Are you an albatross, ape or cheetah?

Unfortunately, finding out your exact muscle fibre type distribution isn’t very easy. For many years, the only way to learn your myotype was to have a muscle biopsy, which is an invasive and painful procedure. Lievens and her colleagues have developed a new, non-invasive scan technique using MRI imaging to determine your myotype, however, there are only two facilities offering these scans in Belgium or The Netherlands.

Of course, most of us won’t be traveling to Europe to have a muscle scan, but by listening to your body you can apply these principles to your training. Do you tend to recover quickly between intervals and workouts? Or do you need a day off between sessions or more recovery time between intervals in order to produce the same effort? It may take some trial and error, but understanding how your body responds to different types, intensities and volumes of running can help you tailor your training to your body so that you perform at your best and stay injury-free.

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Slow-twitch vs. fast-twitch muscle fibres: how your muscle type affects running performance - Canadian Running Magazine
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Sunday, February 27, 2022

Helen Mirren explains why she "begged" Vin Diesel for a spot in the Fast & Furious films - The A.V. Club

Dame Helen Mirren
Dame Helen Mirren
Photo: Kate Green (Getty Images)

Helen Mirren has had a storied career. A winner of an Academy Award, four BAFTAs, three Golden Globes, four Emmys and so many other accolades, she’s even achieved the esteemed Triple Crown of Acting (winning an Academy Award, Emmy, and a Tony). Not only that, but she’s a Dame! Yet, it came down to her having to plead her case to Vin Diesel, lover of the movies, to land her a spot in the Fast & Furious family.

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Mirren discussed the true story behind her getting the part of Queenie, the cheeky matriarch of the Shaw clan who first appears in The Fate Of The Furious.

“I think I was at some function, and he was there, and I got introduced to him. And I was shameless: ‘Oh God, I’d just love to be in one of your movies! Please let me be in it.’ And then Vin, with that beautiful, deep voice of his, said: ‘I’ll see what I can do,’” said Mirren.

Diesel even recalls this meeting from his perspective in a Fast & Furious 9 featurette on the Dame herself. After their meeting, he says let her know they “already have this script and we’re already going into production.” Mirren kept the pedal to the metal and shot back, “You’re the producer! Get it together!”

Since her initial appearance as Queenie in The Fate Of The Furious, Mirren’s East-End criminal has had scene-stealing moments in Hobbs & Shaw and F9. In the latter film, Mirren finally got to have her titular driving moment in a 2018 Noble M600 as she helped Diesel’s Dom escape from his brother, Jakob (John Cena).

These type of stunts and special effects are what initially attracted her to the action series, Mirren tells the The Hollywood Reporter. “I love working and watching the art, the craftsmanship and the expertise of these people. The whole digital side of things, the special effects, is just extraordinary. Every time I go on set, the technology has advanced to another level.”

The 76-year-old actress explains it simply, saying, “I just loved driving and really wanted to do my own driving in a fast car.” The Dame has spoken.

Mirren is set to be honored with the Life Achievement Award at the SAG Awards ceremony on Feb. 27.

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Helen Mirren explains why she "begged" Vin Diesel for a spot in the Fast & Furious films - The A.V. Club
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Slow down, you move too fast -

From The Pastor’s Pen – By Brian Horrobin

I think Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel were on to something the day they wrote “The 59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin’ Groovy)”.

They wrote, “Slow down, you move too fast, gotta make the morning last. Just kicking down the cobblestones, looking for fun and feelin’ groovy.”

Author, James Clear, had another way of putting it: “Slowing down enables you to act in a high quality way. Kind rather than curt. Polished rather than sloppy. It’s hard to be thoughtful when you’re in a rush.”

I know seniors who avoid going to their doctor because they don’t like feeling rushed.

Telemarketers cramming their message across your telephone without coming up for air leave you frustrated and angry.

Our society has ratcheted up the pace as the endless quest for greater productivity looms.

But really, is faster always better?

You’re sure to miss stuff if you fail to take your time.

Simon and Garfunkel went on to say, “Hello, lamppost, what’cha knowin’? I’ve come to watch your flowers growin’.”

It takes slowing down and paying attention if you’re going to appreciate flowers growing.

Psalm 46:10 says, “Be still and know that I am God.”

A grammatical note in the margin of my study Bible says that the phrase “be still” can also be translated as “relax, cease striving.”

I like that.

I think I need to do more of that in my busy life so that I will miss less.

How about you?

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Slow down, you move too fast -
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Putin Races Against Clock as Fast Military Advance 'Frustrated' - BNN

(Bloomberg) -- Russia’s plans for Ukraine face rapidly rising costs due to delays caused by tougher-than-expected resistance from forces on the ground, even as its military retains overwhelming advantages.

A person familiar with Russian planning said the military would have hoped for faster progress. The Kremlin has declined to comment on details of the military operation, and its Defense Ministry says the campaign has been successful.

A senior U.S. defense official said the U.S. had indications that in the last 24 hours Moscow had become frustrated by slow progress, caused by an unexpectedly strong Ukrainian defense and failure to achieve complete air dominance. Still, with Russian forces closing on the capital Kyiv amid fierce street battles on Saturday, the official added Russia so far had committed only about 50% of its available firepower to the war.

Pushing back against a narrative that the invasion has stumbled and is targeting population centers, a Russian official also familiar with the campaign’s planning said it was on track and designed specifically to avoid urban warfare in cities.

The time frame for the operation’s military goals was between one and two weeks, rather than a few days, after which Ukraine’s military should be crushed and its government replaced with one friendly to Moscow, said the official, who asked not to be identified discussing sensitive matters. The official added that capturing cities, with the heavy loss of civilian life that would likely entail, was not on the agenda.

That account of Russian goals largely fits with the analysis of military specialists in the West and President Vladimir Putin’s stated aim of “demilitarizing” rather than occupying Ukraine, although it does not appear to match everything that has happened on the ground.

“Russia still has the initiative, but it is not really achieving the goals it wanted at this point because the Ukrainians are resisting,” said Pavel Felgenhauer, a Moscow-based military analyst for the Jamestown Foundation, a U.S. think tank, adding that Moscow’s leaders may have been misled by their own belief in the strength of pro-Russia sentiment in Ukraine.

Ukraine’s Morale

A rapid assault of this kind has to follow up quickly on the initial shock of invasion to make clear that resistance is futile, Felgenhauer said. With every day that Ukraine’s organized defense continues, morale will rise and with it the number of people who take up arms as reserves.

That has implications for Russia’s ability to impose control without having to eliminate resistance by force, especially in urban centers, according to Felgenhauer, failing the military coup Putin appeared to call for in remarks at a security council meeting in Moscow.

“The next week will be decisive,” Felgenhauer said, adding that while a Ukrainian military collapse or putsch remains possible at any moment, cities may just have to be taken, an inevitably bloody task and a threat to Moscow’s political goals once the government was replaced. “The Russian plan has a lot of holes.”

A longer campaign will also provide more time for Ukraine’s Western allies to funnel new weaponry, such as anti-tank and shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles, to strengthen its defenses. Since the conflict began on Feb. 24, the U.S. approved an extra $350 million for expedited weapons supplies to Kyiv, Estonia said it will send more Javelin anti-tank missiles and the Netherlands agreed to supply 200 Stinger shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles. Germany made an historic about-face on postwar weapons policy and is now also sending arms.

“Weapons and equipment from our partners are on the way to Ukraine. The anti-war coalition is working!” President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said in a Twitter post on Saturday.

By Sunday morning it was clear too that Russia will face more aggressive economic penalties than expected, putting pressure on its finances. The U.S. and European Union agreed to sanction Russia’s central bank and to shut some commercial banks out of the international SWIFT payments system. So far, Putin faces very little opposition to his campaign at home and the Kremlin’s tight control of politics and protests limits any threat to his rule. But if new western sanctions cause deeper economic upheaval, discontent could add to pressure on the Russian president.

Failed Assaults

According to a Saturday military assessment by the Institute for the Study of War, a U.S. non-profit, Russian forces attempted to take Ukraine’s second largest city Kharkiv, as well as Chernihiv close to the border with Belarus, but abandoned that effort and are now heading toward Kyiv. In the south, units that poured out of occupied Crimea have abandoned an eastward drive toward Odesa, heading instead toward the eastern city of Mariupol to trap Ukrainian forces dug into the long front lines of the separatist Donbas territories.

Overnight, Russian air attacks hit critical infrastructure including an oil depot and gas pipeline. Ukraine’s general staff on Saturday said it had shot down a Russian transport aircraft capable of carrying airborne assault troops or equipment, as well as fighter jets and helicopters, claims that could not be independently verified. It also said Russian many Russian vehicles had stalled for lack of fuel. Images of a high rise building in Kyiv’s suburbs hit by an apparent missile strike have fueled allegations that Russian forces are targeting civilians, which Moscow denies.

The account of progress laid out by the Russian official was more upbeat. The official said the main battle formations of the Ukrainian army in the south and east are being encircled and the country’s air defenses are mostly wiped out, assessments that don’t line up with what some military analysts and officials in the U.S. are saying. The U.S. estimates Russia has fired 250 cruise and ballistic missiles at airfields, air defense installations and other targets.

What remains consists of Soviet-era equipment that’s a threat only to slow moving transport aircraft and helicopters, the Russian official said. 

In Kyiv, the goal is not to capture the whole city but to put enough pressure on Zelenskiy that he either flees or surrenders, the official said. Much larger Russian units are forcing their way toward Kyiv and on Saturday there were reports of a firefight close to the central Independence Square.

Carved-Up Ukraine

After that a Russian-backed government-in-waiting would take control and eventually hold elections, the official said. Ukraine would be carved into three parts: The eastern provinces of Donetsk and Luhansk that Putin recently recognized as independent states; a rump Ukraine under de facto Russian control that would pay for its own reconstruction; and the western regions of Ivano-Frankivsk and Lviv, which are strongholds of pro-European sentiment and would be left alone.

The new, shrunken version of Ukraine would have no armed forces of its own. Its air space would, however, become part of the Russian air defense system and there might be a permanent Russian military presence, the official said.

©2022 Bloomberg L.P.

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Putin Races Against Clock as Fast Military Advance 'Frustrated' - BNN
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Saturday, February 26, 2022

Mysterious repeating fast radio burst from space looks strangely familiar, scientists realize -

Scientists got a strange sense of déjà vu when they took a close look at a mysterious series of bright flashes in a galaxy just 12 million light-years away.

The flashes, known as a repeating fast radio burst (FRB), appear surprisingly similar to flashes found in the Crab Nebula. The Crab Nebula is a famous remnant from an old stellar explosion, or supernova, that humans observed in 1054 AD, which was recorded by several distinct cultures. The colorful remnants have displayed bright and brilliant flashes that look a lot like the newly found FRBs, which occurred in the galaxy M81, researchers said.

"Some of the signals we measured are short and extremely powerful, in just the same way as some signals from the Crab pulsar," Kenzie Nimmo, a Ph.D. student in astronomy at the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy and the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands, said in a statement.

Related: 'Weird signal' hails from the Milky Way. What's causing it?

The explosion in what's now the Crab Nebula was recorded on July 4, 1054, by Chinese astronomers, who saw a new or "guest" star above the southern horn of Taurus. The "guest" shone brightly in the sky for 23 days and was 6 times more luminous than Venus, the astronomers recorded. It was still visible for almost two years after the explosion, and was recorded by Arab and Japanese astronomers as well.

The remnant was best visible with a telescope, and that meant the remaining nebula was only spotted for the first time in 1731 by British astronomer John Bevis. French astronomer Charles Messier independently observed it 27 years later and added it to his now-famous catalog of Messier objects, designating the nebula as Messier 1 or M1.

And it wasn't until the 1960s when astronomers noticed a fluctuating radio source that coincided with the location of the Crab Nebula and eventually determined that the signal came from a pulsar, a kind of neutron star (itself a super-dense stellar corpse left by a supernova) with a strong magnetic field.

An artist's depiction of a magnetar in galaxy M81. (Image credit: Chalmers University of Technology/Daniëlle Futselaar,

But despite the known cause of the Crab Nebula's bursts and their similarity to those seen in M81, astronomers aren't sure yet what's happening in galaxy M81. These FRBs were first spotted in January 2020, coming from the direction of the constellation Ursa Major, the Great Bear.

To date, FRBs have mostly been found in galaxies studded with young stars, but the M81 sightings are an exception, since a network of a dozen radio dishes pinpointed the source of the signal quite clearly to an old group of stars known as a globular cluster.

One candidate for explaining FRBs is that these bright flashes come from magnetars — the strongest magnets in the universe and another type of supernova remnant. And this explanation makes sense where young stars are common, but it's trickier when it comes to M81, the researchers said.

"We expect magnetars to be shiny and new, and definitely not surrounded by old stars," Jason Hessels, University of Amsterdam and ASTRON, said in the statement. "If what we're looking at here really is a magnetar, then it can't have been formed from a young star exploding. There has to be another way."

One possible explanation might be that a white dwarf (the cooling core of a large burnt-out star) pulled gas off an unlucky neighboring star. Over time, the researchers suspect, the extra mass may have caused the white dwarf to collapse into a magnetar.

The spiral galaxy M81 is located about 12 million light-years away from Earth. (Image credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/SAO; Optical: Detlef Hartmann; Infrared: NASA/JPL-Caltech)

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All told, although the scientists aren't positive what caused the signal or why it's so similar to the one emanating from the Crab Nebula, they suspect the answer is something unusual — whether an unusual magnetar, an unusual pulsar or another celestial phenomenon.

The research was published in two papers Wednesday (Feb. 23): one in Nature Astronomy led by Nimmo, and the other in Nature led by Franz Kirsten, who is with the Chalmers University of Technology and the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy.

Follow Elizabeth Howell on Twitter @howellspace. Follow us on Twitter @Spacedotcom or Facebook. 

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Popular Filipino fast-food chain Jollibee finally opens in Vancouver - Vancouver Sun

Anthony Bourdain called Jollibee the “jolliest place on earth” — and one just opened on Granville Street.

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People from across the Metro lined up for hours on Saturday for a taste of Jollibee, a hugely popular Filipino fast-food chain that just opened in downtown Vancouver. The Granville Street location opened Friday after a two-year delay due to COVID-19.


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At one p.m. on Saturday, the lineup stretched for nearly three blocks, running north on Granville, west across Robson and south down Howe Street.

A family of four at the front of the line said they had been in line since 9:45 a.m. — over three hours — after travelling from New Westminster. They were planning to get fried chicken, spaghetti, and peach mango pie, three of Jollibee’s classic dishes.

Further back in line, four friends from Surrey said it was their second attempt to get into the restaurant. They had arrived at 10:30 a.m. after being told on Friday that the line was too long and they wouldn’t be able to get in. Several people in line said they were coming back after being rejected on opening day.

Woman poses in front of Jollibee restaurant in Vancouver on Feb. 26, 2022.
A woman poses in front of the Jollibee restaurant in Vancouver on Feb. 26, 2022. Photo by Nathan Griffiths

A Jollibee spokesperson estimated the wait time for the “official” line — which stretched up Granville and down half-a-block of Robson and was managed by Jollibee staff — was about three hours. For those further back in the line that stretched south on Howe for half-a-block, and wasn’t managed by Jollibee staff, she said the wait time could be as long as five or six hours.


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She said that based on previous openings at other locations around Canada, lineups could last for months. After a location opened in Scarborough, Ont., she said there were lineups to get in the restaurant for about three months.

There was no worry about running out of food, however. “The kitchen equipment will fail before that happens,” she said.

Jollibee currently has 24 locations across Canada and roughly 1,300 locations worldwide. The Granville Street location is B.C.’s first but there are seven in neighbouring Alberta, three in Manitoba and 12 in Ontario. Saskatchewan has one.

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At the end of the line on Howe Street, a Filipino family from Coquitlam said they came because they hadn’t been back to the Philippines for a long time.


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“I haven’t been back for 16 years,” said Teresa, in line with her son and grandchild. She said work and other requirements held her back.

“We miss Jollibee,” her son said. He hadn’t been back to the Philippines in more than two years, due to COVID-19. His favourite dish was palabok, a dish of rice noodles, pork, shrimp and a thick yellow sauce.

His son’s favourite food? French fries.

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    Popular Filipino fast-food chain Jollibee finally opens in Vancouver - Vancouver Sun
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    Friday, February 25, 2022

    Man steals cash register from Surrey fast food restaurant - Vancouver Is Awesome

    The aroma of hot, salty fries might draw you to a fast-food joint, but it was a police dog's "well-trained nose" authorities credit with leading them to a robbery suspect who managed to make off with an entire cash register.

    Surrey RCMP says they received a report in the wee hours of Feb 22 that a male suspect had entered a fast-food restaurant in the 15500 block of Fraser Highway. The suspect was allegedly armed and got a hold of the whole cash register unit and fled the premises. 

    Staff on scene phoned 911 to report the crime and informed police of the direction in which the robber was travelling. While fleeing, the suspect allegedly threatened the restaurant employee with his weapon. 

    "Frontline officers quickly flooded the area and contained the scene while the Lower Mainland Integrated Police Dog Services tracked and located the suspect nearby," describe the Surrey RCMP in a media release issued Fri. Feb. 25. "Investigators obtained a search warrant for the premise where the suspect was located in order to obtain further evidence."

    Police took a 45-year-old man into custody on suspicion of robbery. 

    "This fast-food robbery suspect’s attempted escape was no match for the well-trained nose of the police dog," remarks Surrey RCMP Media Relations Officer Cst. Sarbjit K. Sangha.

    The investigation remains ongoing, note police, and charges have not yet been laid. 

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    Man steals cash register from Surrey fast food restaurant - Vancouver Is Awesome
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    Jollibee opens first BC restaurant in Vancouver | CTV News - CTV News Vancouver

    It's the day many fast food fans have been waiting for: a popular Filipino chain finally opened its doors in Vancouver on Friday.

    "We waited years for this," one person waiting outside the new Jollibee location on Granville Street said. 

    "It just feels like home. When you eat it, it's just like you're in the Philippines."

    Dedicated fans eager to get a taste of home started to line up as early as 8:30 p.m. on Thursday for the 9 a.m. opening the next day.

    Jollibee has about 1,200 locations worldwide including 24 in Canada, but this is the first in B.C. Some fast food lovers say they've had to cross the border to get to the nearest location.

    The chain is known for its Jolly Crispy Fried Chicken, sweet-style spaghetti, Yumburger and peach-mango pie.

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    Ontario aims to fast-track skilled worker certification to help ease 'generational labour shortage' - Financial Post

    The proposed legislation would speed up process to 30 days or less

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    Ontario Premier Doug Ford said he will introduce legislation to expedite the process for professionals seeking certification in the province in an attempt to ease the strain on the labour market, especially in the skilled trades.


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    The process for a person from another province to obtain certification in order to practice their profession in Ontario usually takes upward of several months to, in extreme cases, a year. The proposed legislation would speed that up to 30 days or less.

    “For skilled workers wanting to move to Ontario, getting the required certification to work in our province takes way too long. … It’s unacceptable when we’re competing for the best of the best talent anywhere in the world, said Ford during a press conference to announce the proposed legislation Friday.

    The premier also said he wants to expedite the process to bring Ukrainians over to Ontario who are currently fleeing the “tyranny” of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

    “I come from one of the largest Ukrainian communities in Canada,” Ford said. “They’re some of the hardest working, brightest people I know. I just want to tell them we welcome them.”

    Labour Minister Monte McNaughton said he had had a call with the federal immigration minister to set up a dedicated, fast-tracked stream for Ukrainians seeking asylum in Canada and that there are 20,000 available job openings at the ready for when they arrive.


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    Ford is attempting to tackle an acute labour shortage in the province as many business owners struggle to find qualified workers to fill an unusually high number of empty positions. In December, there were more than 338,000 vacancies in the province — not far off from a peak of 370,000 positions in October 2021 — pushing the vacancy rate to just over five per cent, Statistics Canada reported on Feb. 24. In construction and manufacturing, the number of open roles was 88 per cent and 75 per cent higher, respectively, in the final quarter of 2021 compared to the final quarter of 2019, before the pandemic.

    The proposed legislation would cover more than 35 professions and trades, including engineer technicians, vets, teachers, electricians, plumbers and steamfitters. Ford’s government will also propose recognizing three federally standardized trades, known as Red Seal trades, which means the province would then recognize all 55 Red Seal trades. The added three are two levels of gas fitters and oil and heat technicians.


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    “We’re facing a generational labour shortage in Ontario and Premier Ford and I want to make Ontario the best place to live, work and raise a family,” McNaughton said in an interview. “We’re building on a number of changes that we’ve already brought forward in our Working for Workers legislation in the fall.”

    Last year, the Progressive Conservatives introduced an omnibus bill of pro-worker policies that ban non-compete clauses for employers, remove discriminatory practices faced by immigrants seeking work in Canada, and implementing a “right-to-disconnect” clause that would instil better work-life balance for workers.

    Trade industries have suffered from a shortage of workers since long before the pandemic due to a stigma surrounding blue-collar jobs, an aging workforce, and barriers faced by women and immigrants, said Nathan Janzen, senior economist at Royal Bank of Canada. The pandemic exacerbated the shortage, and the struggle of employers to find an adequate number of workers could now be impeding economic growth.


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    “It limits the amount of output that businesses in the economy can produce,” Janzen said. “So, ultimately, it puts a cap on GDP growth and also, it puts upward pressure on wages,” which could stoke inflationary pressures, he said.

    If left to fester, labour shortages in the trades could impact other areas of the economy, such as housing, said Mike Moffatt, an economist at Western University’s Ivey Business School.

    As provinces begin the transition to net-zero carbon emissions, the need for skilled tradespeople will become more acute, Moffatt said. For example, retrofitting buildings for greener air condition systems and installing charging stations for electric vehicles require electricians and construction workers.


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    A lack of workers could also drive up home prices, he said.

    “By not having that skilled pool of labour, it absolutely makes our housing shortages even worse,” Moffat said, adding that it’s one of many barriers to building homes in the province. “If we’re not able to build enough housing … prices will continue to remain high.”

    A January report by Bank of Nova Scotia found that Ontario has the biggest housing shortage among all provinces and to reach the national average of 424 units per 1,000 people, homebuilders would need to construct more than 650,000 units. A separate report found that housing prices climbed 30 per cent year-over-year in the province last month and the average home price in the Greater Toronto Area now sits at $1.275 million, seasonally adjusted, the Canadian Real Estate Association reported.


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    Moffatt said the high home prices and cost of living could be a deterrent for out-of-province tradespeople to come to Ontario. In January, the consumer price index, a measure of inflation, rose at a faster pace in Ontario than the national rate, climbing to 5.7 per cent from a year before.

    1. Ontario Premier Doug Ford speaks during a press conference at Queen's Park in Toronto.

      Ontario pledges to become first province to protect workers from digital spying by bosses

    2. Ukrainian troops patrol the frontline outside the town of Novoluhanske, eastern Ukraine.

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    3. Ontario Premier Doug Ford.

      Doug Ford to return $1.5 billion to 300,000 businesses from workers’ compensation fund

    Creating more robust childcare supports and boosting the participation of visible minorities and women — both structural problems — take a long time to address, Janzen said. Improving labour mobility is a good start that could have a more immediate impact, he said.


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    However, there are no inter-provincial deals in the works to allow the free flow of workers, McNaughton said. “I will say I’ve raised this issue for the last couple of years with the federal government,” he said. “I’m working closely with … the federal government to help coordinate that conversation, but again, enough with the conversation that’s been going on for decades. It’s time for us to lead and do what we can to knock down these barriers.”

    Both employers and governments, nationally, have a hefty problem to solve. By 2028, more than 700,000 skilled tradespeople are set to retire across the country, a September report by RBC stated. Within five years, the country will face more than 10,000 worker shortages in Red Seal trades — a category of jobs where provincial and federal standards align — and when provincially regulated trades are included, that figure grows tenfold, RBC reported.

    “Pulling labour from another part of the country, the national picture doesn’t change that much,” Janzen said. “You’re just, I guess, borrowing from Peter to pay Paul.”

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    Ontario aims to fast-track skilled worker certification to help ease 'generational labour shortage' - Financial Post
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    Surrey news: Robber threatened fast food restaurant staff with weapon | CTV News - CTV News Vancouver

    A "well-trained nose" aided in the arrest of a man alleged to have threatened fast food restaurant workers with a weapon.

    Mounties in Surrey, B.C., said a man threatened staff at a fast food restaurant with a weapon on Tuesday, and made off with entire cash register.

    Staff quickly called 911, the RCMP detachment said in a news release three days later, letting police know which way the robber had gone.

    Mounties "flooded the area" of Fraser Highway and 88 Avenue, as members of the Lower Mainland Police Dog Services tried to locate a suspect.

    He was found nearby, police said. A search warrant was obtained for the home where the man was found in an effort to find further evidence.

    Charges have not yet been approved against the 45-year-old, who was taken into custody when he was located.

    Police praised the efforts of staff involved in the robbery, as well as a four-legged participant in the search for the suspect.

    "The fast food robbery suspect's attempted escape was no match for the well-trained nose of the police dog," Const. Sarbjit Sanha said in Friday's release.

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    Surrey news: Robber threatened fast food restaurant staff with weapon | CTV News - CTV News Vancouver
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    Ian is an independent writer based in Israel who has never met a tech subject he didn't like. He primarily covers Windows, PC and gaming hardware, video and music streaming services, social networks, and browsers. When he's not covering the news he's working on how-to tips for PC users, or tuning his eGPU setup.

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    This blazing-fast Dell monitor with FreeSync is on sale for $170 - PCWorld
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    Not so fast: EV owner says new fast-charging station in Sobu didn't live up to billing - Burlington Free Press

    Thursday, February 24, 2022

    Fast And Furious' Vin Diesel Shares Throwback With Paul Walker As Production Changes Countries - CinemaBlend

    There was a time when Vin Diesel and Paul Walker co-led the Fast & Furious franchise together, with their characters, Dominic Toretto and Brian O’Conner, becoming as close as brothers. Sadly, Walker passed away in 2013, but Diesel has made sure he’s not forgotten, frequently reflecting on his time with Walker and sharing tributes to him on social media. Case in point, Diesel posted a throwback to him as Fast & Furious 10 heads across the pond to shoot.

    Fast & Furious 10 makes the beginning of the end for the main Fast & Furious film series, as it’s shooting back-to-back with Fast & Furious 11, the final installment of this saga. Vin Diesel teased earlier this month that filming on 10 was beginning soon, and he’s now shared that the cast and crew will be rolling cameras in London, England with the below Instagram post:

    Here we have Paul Walker, Vin Diesel and Roman Pearce actor Tyrese Gibson at what’s likely some kind of Fast & Furious event. Gibson has been part of the franchise almost as long as the other two, debuting in 2003’s 2 Fast 2 Furious, which Diesel sat out. The picture reminds us of an era that has long passed, but Diesel clearly still has Walker on his mind as he gets ready to make Fast & Furious 10 in London, one of the many locations the production will visit.

    Although Paul Walker is no longer with us, Brian O’Conner lives on in the Fast & Furious universe. At the end of Furious 7, he officially retired from heists and saving the world to raise his children with Jordana Brewster’s Mia Toretto. Mia jumped back into action for F9 after her and Dom’s brother, John Cena’s Jakob Toretto, reemerged in their lives, and at the end of the movie, Brian arrived in his distinctive blur Nissan Skyline to join the celebration at Dom’s house. 

    F9 director Justin Lin acknowledged that it’s been difficult writing around Paul Walker’s character, but with just two movies left to go in the main film series, maybe there’s a chance we can see Brian one last time through a combination of body doubles and digital wizard, just like what was done for a decent chunk of Furious 7. Even if that doesn’t happen, we can count on Vin Diesel, as well as Walker’s daughter Meadow, to help keep the late actor’s legacy alive.

    No official plot details for Fast & Furious 10 have been revealed yet, but along with Vin Diesel and Tyrese Gibson, Michelle Rodriguez, Ludacris, Sung Kang and Nathalie Emmanuel are all expected to reprise their respective roles. The next movie has also brought Aquaman’s Jason Momoa into the fold, reportedly as one of the movie’s villains. Behind the scenes, Justin Lin is returning to the director’s chair, and Chris Morgan, who’s written every primary Fast & Furious movie other than the first two and F9, is penning the screenplay.

    Fast & Furious 10 races into theaters on May 19, 2023. While we wait for more news on how principal photography is progressing, take a look at the other upcoming movies on the horizon.

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    Fast And Furious' Vin Diesel Shares Throwback With Paul Walker As Production Changes Countries - CinemaBlend
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    2023 Toyota bZ4X electric SUV will include a year of free fast-charging - Green Car Reports

    Toyota announced Thursday that its first widely available electric vehicle, the upcoming bZ4X electric SUV, will come with one year of unlimited complimentary charging at all EVgo public fast-charging locations. 

    EVgo claims to be the only charging network powered by 100% renewable energy. It operates 800 public DC fast-charging locations, as well as Level 2 chargers as part of its network, but Toyota specifies that the agreement focuses on fast-charging. 

    Toyota bZ4X drivers will be able to access the free charging via the Toyota App. 

    2023 Toyota bZ4X at EVgo charging station

    2023 Toyota bZ4X at EVgo charging station

    The choice of EVgo as its provider also says something about how Toyota sees the bZ4X being used, and how it’s positioning the model. You can’t make it across the country on an EV road trip with the EVgo network, for instance, but the provider has, at least in recent years, offered more DC fast-charging options within major metro areas. EVgo says that more than 130 million people in the U.S. live within a 10-mile drive of an EVgo fast charger. 

    Recognizing the reality that its customers are different—often busy commuters looking to add more miles than usual to their daily routines—EVgo has added a reservations program that allows you to save a specific date and time for a $3.00 fee. It’s also noted that such a system might benefit the businesses hosting charging stations.  

    2023 Toyota bZ4X at EVgo charging station

    2023 Toyota bZ4X at EVgo charging station

    The 2022 Toyota bZ4X will arrive in mid 2022 and according to Toyota will offer about a 250-mile range in its single-motor front-wheel-drive form. An all-wheel-drive version will also be offered with a somewhat lower range rating.

    Toyota has made a lofty claim with the bZ4X—that it will retain 90% of its battery capacity after 10 years of ownership—so it’s good to see that automaker not shying away from fast-charging, which other automakers in the past have advised against for the sake of battery degradation. 

    With a partnership with General Motors, EVgo plans to effectively triple the size of its charging network by 2025—with plans for 3,250 new charging stalls covering 52 metropolitan markets by then. It’s also offering hundreds of Tesla connectors, at stations concentrated around major cities.

    EVgo may be sticking mostly to metro areas, but it’s been expanding into new regions of the country. A partnership with Meijer supercenters will offer more 100-kw to 350-kw locations at locations in the Great Lakes region and Midwest.

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    2023 Toyota bZ4X electric SUV will include a year of free fast-charging - Green Car Reports
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    Were the Kennedy Files a Bust? Not So Fast, Historians Say. - The New York Times

    [unable to retrieve full-text content] Were the Kennedy Files a Bust? Not So Fast, Historians Say.    The New York Times Were the Kennedy ...